Profile cleanup failed for some entities, last error: Cannot read properties of null (reading '_id')

  • Hi sir ,

    when i try to run report iam getting below error,

    0_1642305586745_upload-4ce75ac5-1d0b-460f-9d4b-dc1dd5a4204b 2022-01-16T03:38:09.764Z - warn: Profile cleanup failed for some entities, last error: Cannot read properties of null (reading '_id') stack=TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '_id')


    why iam getting above error?

    Or Is this error due to script file or helper file is empty?

  • You can for now just ignore this warning. It means that there is a profile entity without existing blob data. But that isn't a problem.

    I've already pushed the fix for the next jsreport release.

  • Thank you sir for your quick reponse

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