How does jsreport/Chrome handle color profiles?

  • What color profile conversions takes place when a PDF is rendered? Do I need to change something in order for my images to get correct colors?

    The image below shows the original jpg to the left and the same image sitting in a pdf from jsreport to the right. The original is saved with colorspace sRGB.


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  • Only pdf/a does some extra operations with pdf colors. Don't you have that enabled in pdf utils?

  • I discovered the problem on our old production server with jsreport 2.11.
    pdf-A is not supported in V2.

    Do you mean that enabling pdf-a in V3 would solve the color problem?

  • Do you mean that enabling pdf-a in V3 would solve the color problem?

    No. It just removes some transparency things to make the output compatible with pdf archive standard. So that won't help

    I discovered the problem on our old production server with jsreport 2.11.

    I see, v2 doesn't do anything with the colors. It's the output from chrome. I've never noticed this problem. Try to isolate the problem. Put just the image to a template, does it produce bad output? Try it locally. The same?

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