jsReport API POST request not work on Windows Server 2019

  • Hello,

    I deployed my jsReport application on Windows Server 2019, but its API endpoints are not functioning properly.

    Here is the error:

    Here is my sample request:

    The jsReport studio is working:

    Pinging API endpoint also returns correct response:

    I successfully deployed the same jsReport application on both Windows 10 and Windows Server 2012, and it is operational on both OS platforms.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

  • Are you able to render the reports from the studio?

    What if you host the application on the root path localhost:3000 without using /reporting subpath? Does that work?

    Are you able to make a request using some Postman tool? Maybe there is error in your client.

    Is there some error in the jsreport logs?

  • Thank you for your suggestions, Jan. I discovered that the server might restrict external program's access to localhost. I will do more investigations.

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