Worse XLSX preformance after update to 3.13.0

  • Hello. We recently updated from 2.10.0 to 3.13.0. We had some reports written in XLSX. Rendering times got severely worse after the update. Here are some measurements:
    The tables have around 206000 rows when everything is rendered.
    XLS 2.10.0 - 19 sec
    XLS 3.13.0 - 1 min
    XLS template 3.13.0 - 2min
    I am sending you some sample code on the playgrounds:
    The written XLSX is under the EXCEL_sample on this playground: https://playground.jsreport.net/w/AnejBradacVranc/0RJEPt1Q
    The XLSX template is under DelovneUre on this playground: https://playground.jsreport.net/w/AnejBradacVranc/iUly8ySv

    Am I missing something? We updated to 3.13.0 for preformance reasons and now the XLSX preforms worse. We were hoping we could replace the hand written XLSX reports with XLSX templates.

  • Thank you for the demos. I am a bit confused here with your terminology, but I will write down my observations.

    The written XLSX is under the EXCEL_sample on this playground: https://playground.jsreport.net/w/AnejBradacVranc/0RJEPt1Q

    Here you share the html-to-xlsx template.
    This runs for me 23s on jsreport 2.10.0 and 17s on jsreport 3.13.0.

    The XLSX template is under DelovneUre on this playground: https://playground.jsreport.net/w/AnejBradacVranc/iUly8ySv

    Here you share a template using xlsx recipe and a combination of xlsx helpers with a templating engine implemented directly in xlsx template. This template may run just on jsreport v3, because the generation part implemented directly to the excel template was added recently.

    This template runs just 3s on jsreport 3.13.0

  • Hello,

    I apologize. The first demo that I provided you with was the wrong one. I wanted to provide you with a xlsx recipe that is written with combination of xlsx helpers. The second sample i gave you was correct (XLSX recipe made with a templating engine implemented directly in the xlsx template.
    I will rephrase our problem:
    After the update the xls recipes have drastically slower rendering times. An Identical XLSX recipe on version 2.10.0 renders faster than on 3.13.0. XLS recipes with a templating engine implemented directly in the xlsx template are additionally two times slower than the normal XLS recipes made with xlsx helpers on 3.13.0.

    Here is the correct demo of the XLS recipe written with the help of XLS helpers that is causing us problems:
    It's under the name Pure_XLSX

  • Thank you. I compared the speed and the 3.13.0 is really slower on Pure_XLSX.
    However, this was already addressed and will be part of the next release coming this week.
    Here are the details.

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