Cannot append PDFs created by pdftk to report

  • Hello,

    I am trying to append a merged PDF document created by pdftk into a new report but am receiving an xref error:

    error: Report render failed
    (because) invalid xref: xref expected but not found
    Error: Invalid xref: xref expected but not found
        at PDFXref.parseXrefObject (node_modules\@jsreport\pdfjs\lib\object\xref.js:107:13)
        at PDFXref.parse (node_modules\@jsreport\pdfjs\lib\object\xref.js:64:19)
        at Parser.parse (node_modules\@jsreport\pdfjs\lib\parser\parser.js:39:26)
        at module.exports.parseBuffer (node_modules\@jsreport\pdfjs\lib\parser\parser.js:99:10)
        at new ExternalDocument (node_modules\@jsreport\pdfjs\lib\external.js:7:20)
        at Object.append (node_modules\@jsreport\jsreport-pdf-utils\lib\pdfManipulator.js:29:23)
        at Object.append (node_modules\@jsreport\jsreport-pdf-utils\lib\proxyExtend.js:25:25)
        at Request._callback (sandbox.js:15:47)
        at self.callback (node_modules\request\request.js:185:22)
        at Request.emit (node:events:518:28) rootId=2emrsywhkmxopvw, id=2emrsywhkmxopvw
    2024-04-30T22:04:29.879Z - error: Error during processing request at http://localhost:3000/reporting/api/report, details: Invalid xref: xref expected but not found, stack: Error: Invalid xref: xref expected but not found
        at PDFXref.parseXrefObject (node_modules\@jsreport\pdfjs\lib\object\xref.js:107:13)
        at PDFXref.parse (node_modules\@jsreport\pdfjs\lib\object\xref.js:64:19)
        at Parser.parse (node_modules\@jsreport\pdfjs\lib\parser\parser.js:39:26)
        at module.exports.parseBuffer (node_modules\@jsreport\pdfjs\lib\parser\parser.js:99:10)
        at new ExternalDocument (node_modules\@jsreport\pdfjs\lib\external.js:7:20)
        at Object.append (node_modules\@jsreport\jsreport-pdf-utils\lib\pdfManipulator.js:29:23)
        at Object.append (node_modules\@jsreport\jsreport-pdf-utils\lib\proxyExtend.js:25:25)
        at Request._callback (sandbox.js:15:47)
        at self.callback (node_modules\request\request.js:185:22)
        at Request.emit (node:events:518:28)

    The pdf I am trying to append is a merge of multiple pdfs that are also merged pdfs. Let me illustrate what I mean. The below shows the folder structure of my report staging area:

    ---- subfolder_1
    |    |
    |    ---- merged_1.pdf <--- created by pdftk by merging report_1.pdf and external.pdf
    |    |
    |    ---- report_1.pdf <-- gets created by jsreport
    |    |
    |    ---- external.pdf <-- uploaded by user, gets appended to report_1.pdf
    ---- subfolder_2
    |    |
    |    ---- merged_2.pdf <-- created by pdftk by merging report_2.pdf, in this case, with nothing
    |    |
    |    ---- report_2.pdf <-- gets created by jsreport
    ---- merged.pdf <-- created by pdftk by merging merged_1.pdf and merged_2.pdf

    The issue I'm running into is that the merged.pdf file does not seem to be able to properly be appended.

    The report I am trying to append to is doing a simple fetch for the pdf and then merging it via the pdfUtils.append function:

    const request = require('request');
    const jsreport = require('jsreport-proxy');
    async function afterRender (req, res, done) {
        // fetch pdf content
            url: /*endpoint to fetch merged.pdf*/,
        }, async (err, response, body) => {
            let buf = Buffer.from(body);
            res.content = await jsreport.pdfUtils.append(res.content, buf);

    The endpoint it hits is defined as:

    let getMergedReport = (req, res, next) => {
        let pdf = fs.readFileSync(`path\\to\\merged.pdf`);

    The reason for doing multiple merges is because I need to be able to append attachments to each subreport before merging them all together.

    The report I'm trying to generate is a simple cover page that I would like to be able to show the page count of the entire report after merging it all together.

    Is this due to a general incompatibility with pdftk or something else?

    Any help or suggestions are appreciated, thanks!

  • The pdf spec is very wide and we primarily focus on compatibility with chrome produced pdfs. Please share your external pdf somewhere so we can take a look why it is failing and if there is some quick fix we can provide.

  • Sure, I've uploaded a sample of the output from pdftk here.

    I should also note, after a bit of testing, it seems that even PDFs created by jsreport itself have this issue as well. If I create a report via jsreport and then try to fetch and append that PDF to my report, I also get the same xref error. Is this behavior expected? The reports I am creating through jsreport are using the chrome-pdf recipe with handlebars engine.

    A sample of the jsreport output is here.

  • I can append the shared pdf. Maybe you have a problem with your fetching code.

  • Thanks for your help, it seems it was indeed the way I was fetching the data. I opted to use the 'http' module instead of 'request' and buffer everything into a Uint8Array first before trying to append, and that seems to have worked.

    That leads me to my next question:

    Is there any way to set the $pdf report data in the afterRender function? My assumption is no, but I'm hoping there is a less cumbersome way than having to do:

    async function afterRender(req, res, done) {
        // append merged doc
        res.content = await jsreport.pdfUtils.append(res.content, Buffer.from(buf));
        // get $pdf object
        let $pdf = await jsreport.pdfUtils.parse(res.content);
        // re-render this template with the $pdf object in data
        let actual = await jsreport.render({
            template: {
                shortid: 'id', // same template that is currently being rendered
            data: {
                $pdf: $pdf,
        // append merged doc again
        res.content = await jsreport.pdfUtils.append(actual.content, Buffer.from(buf));

  • That looks right. You need to re-render.

  • Sorry, it seems my issue has not been resolved entirely; it's still having issues when trying to append a merged PDF, except now with EOL errors instead of xref errors. This error didn't present itself earlier, I'm assuming, because I was only doing a merge on one PDF using pdftk, which it seems was just doing a simple copy. Now that I'm including merging multiple PDFs, it's giving a different output that is erroring.

    Looking at the location it's erroring in, it seems to expect there to be a line ending directly after endstream in the PDF, but my output PDF has a space first, then the LF.


    Not sure if there is any way to reconcile this easily.

    A sample of this file can be found here.

  • Thank you for sharing the pdf.
    I've fixed the problem so it should be supported with the next version of jsreport.
    We plan to release this week the most likely.

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