Cannot render 2,000 rows with 400 columns.

  • Hello, I am using jsreport to generate reports, and it works fine most of the time. It is a great product. Today I encountered a report with a data structure of 2,000 records and 400 fields. I feel that the data volume is not large. However, jsreport cannot complete the rendering within 10 minutes. Is there any limitation on the report fields? Thank you.

    JsReport version is: 4.3.1.
    Recipe: HtmlToXlsx

    "httpPort": 5488,
    "store": {
    "provider": "fs"
    "blobStorage": {
    "provider": "fs"
    "templatingEngines": {
    "strategy": "http-server",
    "numberOfWorkers": 20,
    "timeout": 1250000,
    "allowedModules": []
    "logger": {
    "console": {
    "transport": "console",
    "level": "debug"
    "file": {
    "transport": "file",
    "level": "info",
    "filename": "logs/reporter.log"
    "error": {
    "transport": "file",
    "level": "error",
    "filename": "logs/error.log"
    "trustUserCode": true,
    "reportTimeout": 1200000,
    "workers": {
    "numberOfWorkers": 20
    "extensions": {
    "authentication": {
    "cookieSession": {},
    "admin": {
    "username": "admin",
    "password": "password"
    "enabled": false
    "sample-template": {
    "createSamples": true
    "tasks": {
    "strategy": "http-server",
    "timeout": 1200000
    "chrome": {
    "renderOptions": {
    "timeout": 1200000

  • administrators

    hi @readymaozhang

    Is there any limitation on the report fields?

    this is something we can not know for sure, especially when using the Chrome html engine which performance can vary between versions.

    maybe share with us an export file so we can take a look and investigate if there is something we can do to improve the performance

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