Docx recipe with jsrender

  • Hi guys!

    Just wanted to ask is there any plans to add support for jsrender in docx recipe? I understand that supporting all instructions can be tricky, just wondering maybe you thought about some subset of it.

    What makes using handlebars tricky for us is inability to address results of the function like

    I understand that by handlebars ideas data should be prepared beforehand, but it really overcomplicates things for us.

    Thanks and happy holidays! (not expecting quick answer =)

  • administrators

    hi! there are no plans to support more engines for docx. the complexity there is already high, we don't want to complicate it more.

    What makes using handlebars tricky for us is inability to address results of the function like
    I understand that by handlebars ideas data should be prepared beforehand, but it really overcomplicates things for us.

    not sure if you are aware but, handlebars supports subexpressions, which will simplify your calls to this {{lookup (getData order) "name"}} (the lookup helper is a handlebars builtin helper FYI)

  • Hi Boris! Thanks for the reply!

    No, I didn't know of subexpressions existence! I guess they are relieve pain a bit, thanks for the tip!

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