Report generation fails on MacOS High Sierra (phantomjs issues)
The error suggesting the issues with phantomjs is thrown on MacOS High Sierra. The error message suggests to upgrade to phantomjs2.
Is this an expected outcome?
yes, see the relevant notes here:
Is the
"phantom": { "defaultPhantomjsVersion": "2.1.1" }
a top level configuration element?
I'm trying to apply it but it doesn't show in the studio
yes, it should be in your jsreport.config.json file at top level.
{ .... "phantom": { "defaultPhantomjsVersion": "2.1.1" } .... }
it will work as long as you do the steps described in previous link (like running the
npm install phantomjs-exact-2-1-1
never mind, some refresh issues, thank you
btw, can I use the latest phantomjs2 which is 2.2.0?