PhantomJS version updating issues

  • Hello everyone!
    I had been using JSreport ver. 1.9.8 phantomJS on my project , but unfortunately there were few errors that are connected to sockets (as JSReport console says, during rendering 40k JSON file). Afterwards I found out that there is a problem with phantomJS version, finally updating to ver 2.1 manged to resolve the problem but there is a UI problems like: huge size of page elements and table transition on the next page appears to work incorrectly. Do you have any ideas about such kind of situations?

  • administrators


    Afterwards I found out that there is a problem with phantomJS version, finally updating to ver 2.1 manged to resolve the problem but there is a UI problems like: huge size of page elements and table transition on the next page appears to work incorrectly. Do you have any ideas about such kind of situations?

    if i remember correctly, table transition on next pages is indeed buggy in phantom v2, and as far as i'm aware there isn't a workaround for that, because phanthomjs has no fix at the moment for such problem.

    Hello everyone!
    I had been using JSreport ver. 1.9.8 phantomJS on my project , but unfortunately there were few errors that are connected to sockets (as JSReport console says, during rendering 40k JSON file)

    what was the exact error message? in most cases phantomjs is able to handle big reports, of course it take a while and more time but in the end it finish the generation of pdf, maybe there are some things that you can change in jsreport (like timeout configuration) that will help phantom to be able to finish, but you need to share what is the exact error messsage that you have so we can have a better idea of what is hapenning.

  • Hi, thank you for your replying!
    The error is "Error occured - Error during rendering report: socket hang up".
    It disappears when phantom is update to 2.1.

  • administrators

    ok i see, can you share your case in playground and then paste the url here after you save? try your example to contain the same large dataset that you have so i can reproduce the error too

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