Passing parameters to child templates

    On the page above it shows how to set recipe, language. What other parameters can be set? Can I default the engine to use JSRender, rather than having to set it on the properties of the child template?

  • administrators

    What other parameters can be set?

    i think it is possible to define any other parameter that you see in properties of a template, it is not possible to add in docs the full list because jsreport is composed from extensions and the properties available are always dynamic depending on the extensions you use. when seeing a template from studio you can click on "API" button to get a overview of each property available in your installation.

    0_1532016811732_Captura de pantalla 2018-07-19 a las 11.06.45 a.m..png

    Can I default the engine to use JSRender, rather than having to set it on the properties of the child template?

    yes, you can set from child template call that the engine should be always jsrender.

    <h1>this is parent</h1>
    {#child child @template.engine=jsrender @template.recipe=html}

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