How can I use .pfx certification in https config from godaddy ?
I have a report server run on a windows server, I would open the https on it. I have a wordwild SSL for my server and I get a *.pfx certification from my IIS. How can I use in report server ? The report server only accept *.cert and *..cert ?
"httpPort": 5489, "certificate": { "key": "certificates/", "cert": "certificates/" },
hi! you need to convert your certificate to the valid formats. i think you can follow the instructions here and get the keys and the cert files from the pfx file.
Actually we support also pfx. :) here
"certificate": { "pfx": "path to the certificate", "passphrase": "..." }
@jan_blaha Thanks for your great help, the SSL works now. I didn't find any pfx config in the document.