Hello, @admin, I'm just following up on this issue.
Posts made by lukuser
RE: issues representing docx table within "each" loop
issues representing docx table within "each" loop
I'm trying to create a docx report with submarkets array, and a nested items array. I want each submarket to repeat a table of items. Here's a playground ilustrating my problem:
Template V2 seems to represent tables for each 2 items one on top of another. While template V2.1 doesn't show any data. The difference between them is the location of the initial tag {{#each submarkets}}. In both templates the submarkets table seems to be correctly between {{#each submarkets}} tag and the closing {{/each}} tag, but in template V2 it is higher (under the black header).
RE: Error using xlsx: xlsxSData doesn't match each
I found the issue. I was missing the # on the opening each tag.
Error using xlsx: xlsxSData doesn't match each
I'm trying to use the xlsx helper, but I'm running into an error:
xlsxSData doesn't match each
My playground demonstrating the issue:
excel tables using html-to-xlsx?
Is there a way to create an excel table with html-to-xlsx?
calling function from shared script in report script
I have a folder-scope script file sharedhelpers.js shared by multiple reports. One of the reports has a script with beforeRender. How can I call a function defined in sharedhelpers.js from the report script's beforeRender()?
RE: Best way to implement a common header and footer for multiple reports
Thanks @msageryd, yes my header data is static within a given report template, but variable to the pdf-utils header, which is reusable in all reports. Adding the script where I set my repot title and other stuff worked the way you both suggested using BeforeRender. Thank you.
RE: Best way to implement a common header and footer for multiple reports
Hello, thanks for the replies. @msageryd the example you provided for now is a bit too advanced for me to fully comprehend without a playground example. As you can see in my playground example, my header doesn't seem to require a loop. @admin's solution does seem to work if I include the report header string in the json data. Trouble is it won't come with the data but rather each report has it "hardcoded". As I understand I can append these extra properties to the data at beforeRender, or try to implement global variables and read them in the header maybe. I found a forum article that suggests how global variables can be leveraged: https://forum.jsreport.net/topic/1850/helpers-use-top-level-variables-and-functions/3.
RE: Best way to implement a common header and footer for multiple reports
Hi @admin , please let me know if this is doable.
RE: Best way to implement a common header and footer for multiple reports
Thanks @admin, to be more precise, the header will have two logos (our and clients) on the left and right extremities, report title, which would have to be dynamically passed in from different report templates, and a color line on top. I already got the pdf-utils to work, except I can't figure out how to pass in the report title. Would you be able to help me with that? Here's my playground:
https://playground.jsreport.net/w/lukuser/rGuxQcvL. In this example the report title is hardcoded as "Report Title Here" but each report would have to pass in the correct title.