@bjrmatos , yes, in template v2, the submarket groups overlap each other, and in template v2.1, where the #each tag is only slightly lower, I get no data at all. Thank you for looking into this
Posts made by lukuser
RE: issues representing docx table within "each" loop
RE: issues representing docx table within "each" loop
Hello, @admin, I'm just following up on this issue.
issues representing docx table within "each" loop
I'm trying to create a docx report with submarkets array, and a nested items array. I want each submarket to repeat a table of items. Here's a playground ilustrating my problem:
Template V2 seems to represent tables for each 2 items one on top of another. While template V2.1 doesn't show any data. The difference between them is the location of the initial tag {{#each submarkets}}. In both templates the submarkets table seems to be correctly between {{#each submarkets}} tag and the closing {{/each}} tag, but in template V2 it is higher (under the black header).
RE: Error using xlsx: xlsxSData doesn't match each
I found the issue. I was missing the # on the opening each tag.
Error using xlsx: xlsxSData doesn't match each
I'm trying to use the xlsx helper, but I'm running into an error:
xlsxSData doesn't match each
My playground demonstrating the issue:
excel tables using html-to-xlsx?
Is there a way to create an excel table with html-to-xlsx?
calling function from shared script in report script
I have a folder-scope script file sharedhelpers.js shared by multiple reports. One of the reports has a script with beforeRender. How can I call a function defined in sharedhelpers.js from the report script's beforeRender()?
RE: Best way to implement a common header and footer for multiple reports
Thanks @msageryd, yes my header data is static within a given report template, but variable to the pdf-utils header, which is reusable in all reports. Adding the script where I set my repot title and other stuff worked the way you both suggested using BeforeRender. Thank you.
RE: Best way to implement a common header and footer for multiple reports
Hello, thanks for the replies. @msageryd the example you provided for now is a bit too advanced for me to fully comprehend without a playground example. As you can see in my playground example, my header doesn't seem to require a loop. @admin's solution does seem to work if I include the report header string in the json data. Trouble is it won't come with the data but rather each report has it "hardcoded". As I understand I can append these extra properties to the data at beforeRender, or try to implement global variables and read them in the header maybe. I found a forum article that suggests how global variables can be leveraged: https://forum.jsreport.net/topic/1850/helpers-use-top-level-variables-and-functions/3.
RE: Best way to implement a common header and footer for multiple reports
Hi @admin , please let me know if this is doable.