Ok, thank you. I've submitted this to the backlog so we can keep track of it.
Posts made by admin
RE: Not allowed to load local resource: blob on android chrome when running reports.
RE: How to display footer on every page and show additional content only on the last page using jsreport with NestJS integration
Unfortunately, the browsers have still very poor support for CSS-paged media.
So we typically solve such problems as you describe with pdf utils or with javascript.Here is an example of how you can make the footer on the last page different.
https://playground.jsreport.net/w/anon/h3amrdZKThe first-page header content could be just moved to the main content to avoid problems with different header sizes.
Hopefully this helps.
RE: Not allowed to load local resource: blob on android chrome when running reports.
I see the same on android. While chromium on desktop or iOS has no problems. Maybe it's some kind of specific Android chromium issue which fails to work with
.Just to give this some kind of priority for us... Why does this bother you? I mean why do you use jsreport studio on phone, where you can hardly code something? What is your use case? Thank you
RE: Schema configuration works partially in jsreport-postgres-store extension
Thank you for the bug report. I've now pushed the fix to the master. We should ship it during the next few weeks along with other improvements like automatic index creations.
RE: 504 Gateway Time-out
I apologize for the inconvenience, we have some problems with playground hosting. The service is now back online, however, we still haven't discovered the real cause of the failures.
Please note playground shouldn't be used in production and it is just a fiddling tool used by the public audience.
Anyway, thanks for giving us notice.
RE: How to display footer on every page and show additional content only on the last page using jsreport with NestJS integration
You are missing
in the template'spdfOperations
.When you have something working in full jsreport but not in your code, the easiest way to find out the difference is to open the entity definition in studio
You would find there you are missing
"mergeWholeDocument": true
pdfOperations": [ { "type": "merge", "mergeWholeDocument": true, .... } ]
RE: Foreach Loop using handlebars vertical column wise
The values you have in the A column should be shifted down?
Could you share a sample how the final output should look like?
You can upload it to playgorund, here, or anywhere... -
RE: I need to repeat the header em second page
'm making the header and body in the same template without dividing it, because when I divided the header and the body content went to the second page and stayed on top of the header
To avoid this, you need to set the margin of the main template.
RE: Rendering error on AWS but not on local docker
I've updated the config code in previous comment...
RE: Rendering error on AWS but not on local docker
You need to use also the config
"extensions": { "chrome-pdf": { "launchOptions": { "protocolTimeout": 600000 } } }
This became useful in the later versions of Chrome, we will set this for you in the next release https://github.com/jsreport/jsreport/issues/1202
RE: Changing parameters of xslx document in html-2-xslx recipe
The html-to-xlsx doesn't support natively changing the page size yet, it is in the backlog so far.
However, you can reach this with postprocessing.
https://jsreport.net/learn/html-to-xlsx#postprocess-using-xlsx-recipeDemo setting page size
https://playground.jsreport.net/w/admin/C3ERuayUNot sure what you mean with "enter the sheet on one page"...
RE: 504 Gateway Time-out
I see, the playground got stuck somehow, we will analyze how it happened.
It is running now... I apologize for the inconvenience.Please note the playground service doesn't have HA.
It is just a fiddling tool to replicate issues and demonstrate features.
You shouldn't depend on it in production deployments. -
RE: 504 Gateway Time-out
I am not sure what service do you mean? The jsreportonline? Or do you mean your on prem jsreport installation?
If you use jsreportonlione, please email me what is your account(subdomain) name to
.The 504 Gateway Time-out is a web server timeout, not jsreport one. It means that the web server was waiting for response from jsreport, but it didn't response in time. You will find logs in
for your on prem application. Or in the studio profiler in jsreportonliner. -
RE: Deno V2 support ?
I'm afraid the compatibility will never be 100%.
I've tried to give it a look... There is some problem with the
compatibility. If I skip chrome based recipes, the app boots, but shortly exits. Not sure what is the problem...Maybe a heavy deno user from the community can give it a try?
We are currently focusing on adding recipes features and improving performance. The support for other runtimes isn't a big priority.
RE: Module Read Error
It seems like you use somewhere the module helper
{{module "a path"}}
but don't provide the argument as a string.
Are you able to reproduce the problem in the playground?
https://playground.jsreport.net/ -
RE: Xlsx receipe each
Yes, I see.
tried many different scenarios but the second table always starts from the last row of the first table.
Unfortunately, this is how it works by design. We have no way of knowing if you want the content at the end of the first table or not. I've submitted a task to check if we can add a new option that would allow having two tables next to each other.
https://github.com/jsreport/jsreport/issues/1198At this moment, one solution is to define cells contents including headers in the helper, and use a single
. To keep formatting, you will need to postprocess the xlsx using xlsx transformation helpers
https://playground.jsreport.net/w/anon/t9UNZpS4The other option is to use just xlsx transformation helpers from the beginning as this gives you the most flexibility.
RE: Xlsx receipe each
Hmm, it should still work in my example...
A different number of items in both arrays works there.
If you want a header for one and not for the other, you can just prepend the header and heave#each
on the second row.
If you need to have it dynamic, you will have#if
for first item which will display header. -
RE: Xlsx receipe each
It is Christmas vacation time, so getting the right people online will take some time. :)
At first glance, there seems to be a problem with multiple
in one row. Maybe you can just use oneeach
and use a helper call to merge those two arrays into one. Like here
https://playground.jsreport.net/w/anon/5r07l9Fq -
RE: Xlsx receipe each
Please share the minimal playground demo replicating the problem so we can take a look.
https://playground.jsreport.net/ -
RE: How can I insert external pdf to report?
There is an
option to append in the middle.append(sourcePdfBuf, appendedPdfBuf, options) parameters: - sourcePdfBuf -> pdf buffer to which to append the second param - appendedPdfBuf -> pdf buffer appended after source - options -> (optional) options.appendAfterPageNumber -> the number of page from sourcePdfBuf which the pages from appendedPdfBuf should be inserted after
If you need to insert content in the middle of the page, you need to use the merge.