I have modified the jsreport configuration in production but reports stopped working

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  • I am quite confused about this.
    So the problem is that you can't import something to your localhost running on windows with file system store?
    Can you share that export file somewhere and link it here?

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  • Can you try to back up your current data folder, remove it, restart jsreport and try the import again?
    Also, does it help to update nodejs?

    The error comes from the OS. We do parallel copy of the dirs/files. Maybe it is too much parallelization for the OS. Although I didn't encounter this before. If the clean import or nodejs update won't help, we gonna limit the parallelization which should fix this.

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  • It mentiones just warning, does it actually throw or pass their import?

    Is this error due to the number of templates in trial version exceeds like above 5?

    Likely no.

    yes i deleted the data folder and restart the jsreport and import it , then it throws

    Seems like your export is corrupted. It contains entities that don't have parents.

    how can i delete the 2 files in root?

    You can unzip the jsrexport file, remove entries from inside and then zip it back.

  • How to unzip? Should I need to download any tool to unzip it? Also it doesn't tell the correct location of corrupted area .

  • administrators

    as for your last screenshot, it is not clear what throws, the screenshot just shows that the import validation passes with some warnings, however, even with warnings you can still continue the import, just click "Import". if you continue, what happens?

    How to unzip? Should I need to download any tool to unzip it? Also it doesn't tell the correct location of corrupted area .

    rename your export file extension from .jsrexport to .zip, from example if your file is file.jsrexport rename it to file.zip then you can unzip it with any tool available on your OS for handling zip files.

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