Bad request

  • Error: Bad request at IncomingMessage. (/app/node_modules/script-manager/lib/worker-servers.js:228:25)

    That can't be true. The stack trace shows the http-process strategy.

    Error: Bad request at IncomingMessage. (/app/node_modules/script-manager/lib/worker-servers.js:228:25)

    Do you see this in the output logs?

     info: Setting in-process strategy for rendering

    If yes, then you are really using the in-process strategy and the "Bad request" error needs to have at least a different stack.

    If no, you are setting something wrong in the config or pass environment variables that overwrites the config values.
    The config should have

    "templatingEngines": {
      "strategy": "in-process"

  • You're right. I see Setting http-server strategy for rendering in the log when jsreport starts.

    My config looks like this:

      "httpPort": 5488,
      "allowLocalFilesAccess": true,
      "store": {
        "provider": "fs"
      "blobStorage": {
        "provider": "fs"
      "templatingEngines": {
        "numberOfWorkers": 2,
        "timeout": 300000,
        "strategy": "in-process"
      "chrome": {
        "timeout": 300000
      "extensions": {
        "scripts": {"timeout": 300000},
        "chrome-pdf": {
          "strategy": "chrome-pool",
          "numberOfWorkers": 3
        "express": {
          "inputRequestLimit": "50mb"
        "child-templates": {
          "parallelLimit": 5

    Can you spot any error?
    I tried to deliberately corrupt the config file to ensure that it's actually loaded. When I do this, the server complains about a bad config file and does not start.

    Can these settings be set anywhere else and override the config file?

  • I read the startup log a bit more thorough.
    What does "/app/data/data: File exists" mean? I don't think I have copied anything to that folder.


    Here is my Dockerfile

    FROM jsreport/jsreport:2.6.0
    COPY license-key.txt /app
    COPY ./mounted/jsreport.config.json /app
    COPY ./mounted/data /app/data
    RUN cd /app && npm install \
      moment \
      moment-timezone \
      intl \
      dd-trace \
      handlebars-helpers \
      node-fetch \
      jsreport-assets \

  • I suppose that ENV-params have higher priority than the config-file?
    In that case I think it's impossible to change strategy with your official docker image. I found this in your Dockerfile:

    ENV templatingEngines:strategy http-server

  • Hm. Ok. I forgot about that. I am very sorry. This is badly set a default value.

    You need to add this to your dockerfile

    ENV templatingEngines:strategy in-process

    We will think through how to fix this.

  • I link here github issue where this will be solved

    I apologize again for your troubles.

  • Ok, I'll set it in my Dockerfile.

    I'm getting odd results when I build my production image. In order to be able to run jsreport on Fargate I need to copy all templates into the image at build time. But as soon as I do this the container no longer maps my local volume. I'll try to explain:

    Scenario 1:

    1. Build image without copying templates to /app/data
    2. Start local docker image with docker-compose and map local volume to /jsreport
    3. All changes I do in Studio is now persisted in my local folder which I can version control

    Scenario 2:

    1. Build an image and copy templates (COPY ./mounted/data /app/data in Dockerfile)
    2. Push to production at AWS
    3. jsreport server at AWS now has my templates embedded
    4. Start local container via docker-compose (exactly as in scenario 1)
    5. Changes i Studio is not persisted in my local folder

    How are we supposed to use this concept? I can see in the official docker image that these two scenarios are taken care of, i.e. you check is /jsreport is mounted and in that case link /app/data to this local folder. But I'm not sure that it works as intended.

    In particular, I'm wondering why you have VOLUME ["/jsreport"] in your Dockerfile. Wouldn't this direct the ln commands to the internal /app/data instead of the locally mounted folder? I'm not very knowledgable in Docker, so this "hunch" might be completely wrong.

  • After switching to "in-process" my heavy report works without error. I think it's more to the problem than just bad error reporting. The "Bad request" came after about 4 seconds. Efter switching to in-process the report is rendered in just over a minute.

    I do wonder if in-process rendering makes the server more sensitive to overload? After switching to in-process and deliberately overloaded jsreport (10 heavy reports in parallell) the server crashed. I haven't made a side by side comparison, byt my feeling is that before switching to in-process, jsreport could manage more reports in parallell. They took a long time to render, but it didn't crash.

    I have now adjusted my queue-handling so I have a separate queue for heavy reports. This queue only puts through one report concurrently. Is this how I have to solve this? I thought that jsreport could handle parallel requests.

  • in-process runs js evaluation inside the main process. This means that running many of the requests with heavy memory consumption in parallel can cause OOM.
    You should use a properly configured web server in front jsreport, or increase node process memory limits in such case.

  • Thanks, I'll increase max-old-memory. What do you mean by having a web server in front of jsreport? My jsreport is not available from the outside. All requests comes from another server which serves/distributes my queue jobs. One queue is for report rendering. Why would I need a web server in front of jsreport?

  • No, in this case you are able to handle the traffic on your client-side where you distribute queue jobs.

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