Can you please tell the use of footerTemplate.handlebar and headerTemplate.handlebars in template?

  • Hi sir,


    Could you please tell me the use of this handlebars in template with an example.

    • Is this templates are used to create header and footer.if it is yes can you please show me one example because i have seen few examples where new templates are added for both header and footer and use before script and append those header and footer with the main template.

  • administrators

    those header and footer templates are created when you use the chrome native header/footer, a simple example for that is available here

    i have seen few examples where new templates are added for both header and footer and use before script and append those header and footer with the main template.

    those examples are probably using the pdf-utils header/footers which basically involves pdf manipulation which are more powerful than the native chrome header/footers

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