issues representing docx table within "each" loop

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to create a docx report with submarkets array, and a nested items array. I want each submarket to repeat a table of items. Here's a playground ilustrating my problem:

    Template V2 seems to represent tables for each 2 items one on top of another. While template V2.1 doesn't show any data. The difference between them is the location of the initial tag {{#each submarkets}}. In both templates the submarkets table seems to be correctly between {{#each submarkets}} tag and the closing {{/each}} tag, but in template V2 it is higher (under the black header).

  • Hello, @admin, I'm just following up on this issue.

  • administrators


    for template v2.1 is clear that the issue is that the loop does not output anything, for template v2 what is the issue?

    it is the that the rows are overlapping each other, right?

    0_1732297789858_Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 12 .46.45@2x.jpg

    i have added to the backlog to check this case, we will get to it.

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