pptxTable(^v4.5.0) does not work if there is no other text in cell with it
I have several pptx files that generate content with pptxTable helper. I am trying to upgrade from 4.3.1 to the latest but have found none of the pptx file will work. It looks like there was a change to the pptxTable extension in 4.5.0.
If you have a table like this in 4.3.1:
It will output a table like this:
When you try to run this in 4.5.0 or higher you get a MS power point error:
This is because {{#pptxTable items}} cell does not have any additional text in the cell with it. If you add anything in the cell it will then work, in this case a "~". This also goes for the closing {{/pptxTable}}. There has to be some other text in the cell prior it.This will now work in 4.5.0 or later.
Generates this:
Obviously you do not want to have the "~" in the table. I can add a space after or before. But this means I will have always remember to have the space and I will have to update all my reports that have tables in them.
@WadeBenz thanks for the details, we will take a look.
i took a look today and this usage was never intended to work. as the docs shows, you should either use pptxTable as a row loop, or a vertical column loop.
you are trying to use the helper in two rows and this is not supported, you should try using the dynamic columns variation to get your desired layout.