I'm iterating through array of objects in my template using {{#each.. and displaying some HTML info that contains marked list inside using {{docxHtml content=SomeHtml}}... And the issue is that if display HTML that contains some marked list more than once, all displayed lists in the report are broken (indentation is missed everywhere except 1st level nesting list items). Like if only one object has HTML info with a list and others are having only plain text, it looks perfect
Other weird thing is that I couldn't reproduce it in the playground :(
But as for example: https://playground.jsreport.net/w/GoncharovNikit/yMmdVac~
playground runs jsreport 4.3.0 so it is expected there is some differences if you are testing with latest version. you don't mention what version you are using but i assume you are using latest.
the example you shared on playground seems to run fine as expected, on my local with jsreport 4.6.0.
the case you are describing from your env looks different from what you shared, so it will be easier to take a look if you provide an export file or a new playground with the same setup you are describing.