we are using version 4.2.0
this is working fine in playground, but it is not working in our on-premise server
we are using version 4.2.0
this is working fine in playground, but it is not working in our on-premise server
i am getting the below error when i try to run the report using spread sheet which having cross worksheet formula
Error while executing xlsx recipe
(because) error when evaluating engine handlebars for template anonymous
(because) parse error on line 16:
...='COUNTIF('Detailed Inventory'!$X$13:$X$
Expecting 'EQUALS', got 'INVALID'
(sandbox.js line 13:18)
Thank you for your prompt assistance in fixing the issue in the playground environment.
We are experiencing the same issue on our on-premise server and would like to implement the same changes you made in the playground to resolve it.
Could you please provide details of the changes or configurations that were applied to make it work in the playground? This information will help us apply the same modifications to our on-premise server.
Thank you for your support and assistance
Thanks and now it is not showing error and also the preview or download is not working
Unable to render the xlsx file which is having multiple worksheets
refer https://playground.jsreport.net/w/papegowda/I1pQW9CK
Error when communicating with worker: socket hang up
Error: Error when communicating with worker: socket hang up
at run (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/jsreport-docker-workers/lib/sendToWorker.js:89:25)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async Object.execute (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/jsreport-docker-workers/lib/allocate.js:117:18)
at async MainReporter.executeWorkerAction (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/jsreport-core/lib/main/reporter.js:570:22)
at async MainReporter.render (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/jsreport-core/lib/main/reporter.js:472:30)
please let us know how to upgrade our license from enterprise to enterprise scale.
We are trying to render the below text in chrome pdf
and we are getting result like below
please let us know how to fix this, This is a nepali langauge
please let us know is JS Report is using Apache Log4j utility.
A critical zero-day exploit, known as Log4Shell, affecting the Apache Log4j utility (CVE-2021-44228) was made public on December 9, 2021
Currently we are using 1.7.0 version in our report.
the authentication is working, but connection string is not working, as per the document connectionstring is renamed to store, but it is not working.
extensions_store_provider : postgres
please help
I am running JS report(version 1.7.0) in AWS Elastic Beanstalk using Docker file.
Today i have created new Elastic Beanstalk application for JS Report 2.0 using Docker File. and i am trying to enable the authentication using following variable and it is not working in V2.0 but same tag is working in v 1.7.0
similarly other configuration which are working in v1.7.0 is not working in v2.0
please help us in configuring it.
Thanks for the clarification.
i am able to set the store configurations and it is working now.
but when i tried to set the admin login configuration, it is not successful and elastic beanstalk is not taking effect and it is revering
Also the electron is giving error as 'Error when processing render request Timeout when executing in electron Error: Timeout when executing in electron'
and i have set the followings for electron.
electron_numberOfWorkers = 12
electron_strategy = dedicated-process
electron_timeout = 60000
i need to use electron since my existing JS 1.7 is having some electron Template and which i need to migrate to new version
I have created the JS report 2.3 using docker in AWS elastic beanstalk and i have set the software configuration using my current running JS report 1.7, but look like these configuration is not taking any effect in JS 2.3,
Please let us know how do i configure new JS report 2.3 in aws.
for example. in JS 1.7 we have used following environmental properties to store in postgress.
connectionString_name - postgress
connectionString_database - database name
connectionString_host - connection string of the database
but above listed environmental properties are not taking any effect in JS report 2.3
Please help to upgrade my JS report from 1.7 to 2.3
we are running JS report v 1.7.0 in AWS, which was installed using Docker.
now i have created new AWS Elastic Beanstalk app and installed JSreport 2.1 version using docker file.
When i configure existing posgress database connection in the JS report 2.1, it is not showing any of the exitsing reports in the playground, but in database all the old reports exist.
in the AWS elastic beanstalk configuration i have used following keys for database connection.
store_name = (postgres)
is these tags are correct ? also please let us know can we use our existing Licence Key for this.
Thanks for replay.
i have signup the JSreport online and created a simple XLSX template and same has been downloaded using API from ReactJS web application. it is working without any issues.
if i create the same XLSX template in our local JSreport which was hosted in AWS (installed using Docker) and if i download using API from ReactJS web application. it is corrupting the xlsx, but if i directly download the same from the Portal it is not corrupted.
Please let us how do we fix this.
Please download the file from the below link
I am working through an API in Node.js posting requests to a jsreport.
Using jsrender engine and xlsx recipe i am creating xlsx files from data in json format.
The problem is that , I get an error from excel:
"We found a problem with some content in <filename> . Do you want us to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes"
If I do click Yes, an empty worksheet appears with the following error message:
Excel completed file level validation and repair. Some parts of this workbook may have been repaired or discarded.
Removed Part: /xl/sharedStrings.xml part with XML error. (Strings) A document must contain exactly one root element. Line 1, column 0.
Removed Records: Cell information from /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part
When the error occurs, I've tried taking the json file and using it as sample data in jsreport studio and the report comes out fine.
for reference i have uploaded the corrupted xlsx file.
[0_1532000403750_Report (6).xlsx](Uploading 100%)
Hi thanks for the replay,
it is published in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk using Docker, below is the docker file which was used
"AWSEBDockerrunVersion": "1",
"Image": {
"Name": "jsreport/jsreport:1.7.0-full",
"Update": "true"
"Ports": [
"ContainerPort": "5488"
the snapshot is the part from the 'Software Configuration' from the Configuration section.
I have tried to get the onsole.log(process.env.electron_strategy), but i am getting process undifined issue.
Please let us how can we use the 'jsreport.config.json' file in my Docker project.
please let us know if you require any other information.
please help on this, we have struck on this and we are getting complaints from our client's
I have running my jsreport in AWS, and i have set 'express_inputRequestLimit' to 100 mb, but still i am unable to add/pass 2mb input data.
refer attached snap shot for configuration.