I have installed localy and I am making some new tests. How could I change the xlsx.maxRows and xlsx.bufferSize? I am getting an error if the json is too big. with 15000 rows now works but with 20000 no.
preview error Got not ok response, status: 500 Error: Got not ok response, status: 500 at http://localhost:5488/studio/assets/client.a5efe5637ea659b2401f.js:41:78261 at m (http://localhost:5488/studio/assets/client.a5efe5637ea659b2401f.js:311:73091) at Generator._invoke (http://localhost:5488/studio/assets/client.a5efe5637ea659b2401f.js:311:72844) at forEach.e.<computed> [as next] (http://localhost:5488/studio/assets/client.a5efe5637ea659b2401f.js:311:73271) at i (http://localhost:5488/studio/assets/client.a5efe5637ea659b2401f.js:3:368084) at http://localhost:5488/studio/assets/client.a5efe5637ea659b2401f.js:3:368181I changed already the timeout value.
{ "httpPort": 5488, "store": { "provider": "fs" }, "blobStorage": { "provider": "fs" }, "logger": { "console": { "transport": "console", "level": "debug" }, "file": { "transport": "file", "level": "info", "filename": "logs/reporter.log" }, "error": { "transport": "file", "level": "error", "filename": "logs/error.log" } }, "trustUserCode": false, "reportTimeout": 60000000, "workers": { "numberOfWorkers": 2 }, "extensions": { "authentication": { "cookieSession": {}, "admin": { "username": "admin", "password": "password" }, "enabled": false } } }