Please better formulate your questions - How to authenticate? Is really not enough.
Are you able to login with this user and render the particular template in studio?
Is it admin user or a custom user created in studio?
If it is only problem of your client API call, can you try to use request package and post here full code?
Maybe you could also try to use markdown formatting to highlight code
Ah, that makes sense. So once jsreport dependencies are verified then jsreport's package.json will be updated and it's version incremented and then jsreport-studio dependency on jsreport will be incremented. I will reinstall jsreport-wkhtmltopdf using npm install -save into jsreport-studio so that that dependency is tracked as well.
Thanks for all those precious informations! I'll try to see what I can do from the documentation you provided, and if I cannot achieve this myself then maybe drop you a mail as you suggested!
Again thank you very much for your help, if I do manage to do what I want maybe I coud share it with the jsreport team if this become a need for other people than us in the future! :)
Playground should not be used for development. Its purpose is to quickly show demos or replicate the problems.
You should not develop your templates there. You should probably startup your own server or us jsreportonline.
The best would be to reference image from a web server in this case, like http://localhost/images/llorer.jpg or use base64 to encode it and pass it in string.